Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Expecting - é tudo um "misunderstanding"!

T: Have you heard the news? I am expecting...
C: Wrong verb, isn't it?
T: No. I am expecting. I really am.
C: Ok. So you're expecting...
T: Have you been drinking?!?!?
C: Not really. Am I expected to drink?
T: I am expecting. Don't you get it? It's a baby we are talking about.
C: Oh, so you are pregnant, right?


Anonymous said...

My God !!!! Is it so difficult to see the meaning of the word expecting,mainly because is used after the expression " good news ".

ar said...

"Words are a source of misunderstandings."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, in "The Little Prince"

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to T and her
Hope everything turns all right.